Wednesday 29 June 2011

What is Perlane ?

Perlane is one of several hyaluronic acid-based soft tissue fillers on the U.S. market. It is approved to treat moderate to mild creases around the mouth, but is used off label for plumping eyebrows, smoothing under-eye hollows, enhancing the lips, defining the cupid's bow, enhancing volume and defining contours of the cheeks, chin and jaw line. Some doctors also use Perlane to soften the appearance of scars and other depressed facial marks.

Perlane is manufactured by Medicis Aesthetics. This is the same company that makes Restylane, hyaluronic acid-based soft tissue filler. Perlane is slightly thicker than Restylane. Put another way: The size of Perlane particles is larger, which means it packs more hyaluronic acid, and as a result may be a better bet for filling deeper lines.
Perlane's results last about six to 12 months, and it costs approximately $650 or more per syringe. Insurance does not cover the costs of cosmetic procedures. If the out-of-pocket cost is too steep, ask your doctor about payment or financing plans.

Perlane Injections: What to Expect

There are no animal products used in Perlane, so an allergy test is not necessary. Perlane injections are performed in your doctor's office on an outpatient basis. The procedure typically takes about 30 minutes, but this may vary based on the extent of your treatment. Your doctor will likely apply a topical anesthetizing cream before injecting Perlane.
There is usually minimal downtime with Perlane, meaning you can go back to your normal activities almost immediately after your treatment. That said, you may experience some redness, swelling or bruising around the injection site, but these tend to subside within a few days. There is also the risk of dissatisfaction with the cosmetic results. The best way to minimize these risks and maximize your outcome is to choose an injector with a lot of experience with Perlane. For more information on how Perlane compares to other hyaluronic acid-based fillers, see our filler chart.

What are spider veins & varicose veins?
Spider veins are tiny blood vessels no more than 2 mm in diameter that may appear on the face, legs and ankles. They are bluish, purple or red and often form web-like netting just below the skin’s surface. Spider veins are generally just an unpleasant nuisance, although when they become large they can cause heaviness in the legs, night cramps and itching.
Varicose veins are veins near the surface of the skin on the legs which have become permanently distended and filled with blood. Veins have valves that are designed to prevent blood from flowing backwards due to gravity. When a valve malfunctions or vein walls weaken, blood collects in the vein, forcing it to bulge. Varicose veins are unsightly, bluish or purple in color and can protrude from the leg. They may cause discomfort such as swelling, throbbing, heaviness, night cramps and long-term complications such as ulcerations or bleeding.

For both varicose and spider veins, genetics is the main cause. The risk of developing these leg vein problems increases for women who are pregnant or using birth control pills because hormones such as estrogen can further weaken vein walls. Obesity and lack of exercise which weaken the system of leg veins are also factors. The risk of developing varicose veins increases with age for both men and women.

How to prevent them?
Almost 80 million women and men in this country alone experience leg vein problems, including half of the women over the age of 40. Once spider and varicose veins develop, however, there is no way for the body to cure them. Fortunately, there are simple ways to prevent these problems from spreading and alleviate symptoms.

Regular exercise promotes healthy circulation within the second heart and also slows the development of new varicose and spider veins. Diet, lifestyle changes, dietary supplements, and other natural alternatives can also compliment the conservative approach. There are other things you can do to promote good leg vein health, including:
  • Avoid birth control pills
  • Eat a high fiber diet to prevent constipation
  • Don’t wear tight clothes
  • Elevate legs at bedtime (about 6 to 12 inches above the heart)
  • Explore natural alternatives, such as massage and dietary supplements (vitamins C &E may help relieve swelling and other symptoms of poor circulation)
  • Avoid crossing your legs
If you are at risk for developing either spider or varicose veins, start these conservative and preventive measures soon.

What are the medical treatment options?
Medical treatment options restore venous circulation to its proper functioning by removing varicose and spider veins and rerouting blood to healthy vessels. Cosmetically, these medical options are best at eliminating existing spider and varicose veins. Some methods eliminate varicose and spider veins by collapsing the affected blood vessel, while other techniques remove a vein through surgery.

Non-surgical options include sclerotherapy, a painless way to get rid of these vein problems by injecting a chemical into the affected vein to close it. Laser therapy can also be used to collapse small veins in the face and legs. Duplex-guided sclerotherapy is used to access veins in areas that are difficult to reach such as in the knee and groin. Surgical methods include in-office mini-phlebectomy where small sections of the damaged vein are removed through an almost invisible incision. For ambulatory surgery, there is a procedure called ligation and stripping to treat the affected main leg vein and valve. Both non-surgical and surgical treatments are often combined for the best results.
Since most of these procedures are deemed cosmetic, most insurance companies will not cover the related costs. It is therefore important for anyone considering treatment to contact their insurance company.

What is Sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a solution directly into the varicose veins that cause them to collapse and disappear. Several sclerotherapy treatments usually are required to achieve the desired results.
Foam sclerotherapy is a variation of the procedure performed under ultrasound guidance that involves the injection of a foaming agent mixed with a sclerosing agent. The foaming agent moves blood out of the vein so the sclerosing agent will have better contact with the vein wall.
Sclerotherapy is a trouble-free procedure that can be performed in the doctor’s office. Sclerotherapy can remove the pain and discomfort of varicose veins and helps prevent complications such as venous hemorrhage and ulceration. It is also frequently performed for cosmetic reasons.

For more info visit our website :

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog, good tips shared about Dermal Fillers. Thanks for sharing this blog with us. In general sense, fillers are basically used for treating lines and wrinkles. However, it also depends somewhat on which filler you’re using, for instance, these can also be used to plump and define lips and fill hollow areas on the face. Dermal Fillers USA
