Tuesday 28 June 2011


For smooth wrinkles, sculpting lips, and to improve other facial features, Restylane injections are favorite one. Approved by the FDA in December 2003, Restylane can produce positive results on facial wrinkles, particularly around the mouth and nose.
Products in the Restylane should not be used by people with previous bad allergies, particularly to certain microorganisms known as gram-positive bacteria, or by people with previous bad allergies to drugs who have required in-hospital treatment. These products should not be used by people with bleeding disorders.
Use of Restylane at the site of skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infection should be delayed until healing is complete. Use of the products in these instances could delay healing or make your skin problems worse. After your treatment, you might have some swelling, redness, pain, bruising, and tenderness. This will normally last less than seven days. In rare circumstances, the
doctor may inject into a blood vessel, which can damage the skin. Although rare, red or swollen small bumps may occur. If you have had facial cold sores before, an injection can cause another outbreak. To avoid bruising and bleeding, you should not use the products if you have recently used drugs that thin your blood or prevent clotting. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years of age, than should not use Restylane

For more info visit our website : http://www.riverwalkma.com/

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